Metal Element Purification by Kevin Wikse.

The Metal element is 1/5th of the Daoist system of the Pancha Tattwa Shuddi or 5 elemental purifications. Metal Element energy is the organic wiring for the bio-electric circuitry for the flesh-droid known as the human being. The most significant accumulation of Metal Element energy in the human physical body is found first in the brain, then the spine, and lasting tapering along into the mass ganglia of the nervous centers, or the "three brains" (the brain for mental intelligence, the heart for emotional intelligence and the Hara, or lower dan tien for body intelligence). Increasing Metal Element energy sharpens the intellect, clarifies thinking, and sharpens focus. However, excessive Metal elemental energy can cause mental rigidity and fixation. While this is rare, especially today when most people significantly lack Metal energy, it remains a consideration. Frequent and regular activation of an individual's Metal element stimulates the bio-electrical response, illumi...