The OFFICIAL initiatory mantra for Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka. Astralnaut recruitment begins! By Kevin Wikse.
In response to the public interest in my Tantra Lineage of Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka or the "Aeronautics of the Astral Realm and the building of the Divine Vehicle," I will have to begin streamlining and organizing what I have learned and started to develop so I can provide you with a defined path forward into this Tantra. This Tantra directly responds to the Global events that will either culminate or commence in 2030. As of this post, we have around 6 1/2 years before the demarcation event in June or July of 2030, and then past that, well, that is what this Tantra is ultimately for. It is essential to note that this is a Tantric practice. Thereby, it is outside the bounds of what many would define as Vishnuvite or Shivite. My lineage is direct from Guru transmissions and the decoding of the Vimanika Shastra. I am currently the ONLY official student and receiver of these transmissions, and Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka is the only Tantra based on the Vimanika Shas...