The Captain's Chair. Direct Order 4 by Kevin Wikse.

Astralnauts, training parameters for "The Captain's Chair" begins after you have completed the protocols laid out here in " The First Steps to Building your Vimana REVISED (an addendum) " when you are inside or enveloped by your personal astral Vimana. This practice builds off the empowering and purification of your five elemental forces as performed by reciting the mantra, " Om Nama Shivaya ." You are now inside your astral Vimana and integrating with it; this method will further refine your five elemental energies and begin the ever-important process of building your energetic and internal infrastructure to effectively, consistently, and productively experience the raising of your Kundalini energy system. In your astral Vimana, you are seated in the captain's chair. What follows is an exceptionally brief detailing of the functions performed by the five elemental forces. Begin by seeing and feeling yourself sitting on a cube of pure...