The Captain's Chair. Direct Order 4 (addendum) by Kevin Wikse.
Astralnauts, a powerful addendum, came through last night. Lord Shiva directed me to make the Captain's Chair Pancha Tattwa Shuddi practice even MORE powerful, effective, and capable of increasing your psychic skills astral sight and further empowering your five elemental energies. Yes, sir! The process is the same as detailed in the " The Captain's Chair. Direct Order 4 ." However, now, with the following additional supplementation. A viewing screen appears before you when you are in your Astral Vimana and seated in your captain's chair. In the viewing screen is the image of Lord Shiva (as shown above). His presence will already be powerfully invoked due to his mantra "Om Nama Shivaya." Make sure to acknowledge his open and raised blessing hand (right hand). As you begin the Mantras of each Tattwa (Om Lam Om, etc.), See Shiva sitting on a cube of pure gold or with a sphere and white crescent moon on his lap, etc. You and Lord Shiva are performing th...