The Second Step to Building your Vimana by Kevin Wikse.

Kevin Wikse

Astralnaut, before you proceed to this protocol, you must have spent at least 21 days developing and integrating with your astral Vimana, as detailed in this post. Once you have completed that essential task, you are instructed to begin this next step in your training. 

Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka can mean "Aeronautical knowledge of the Astral Realm." To expertly explore the astral, you will need a Vimana or vehicle. Having out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, and eliciting astral projection will happen due to this specific training modality. 

More than that is "real-time" astral projection, the process of consciously producing out-of-body while still in a waking state to explore (most likely) the lower astral (it is the nearest vibration to the physical realm) and learn about and/or make last-minute edits to what is just about to manifest into reality. In these non-physical realities on the very periphery of the material plane, the astralnaut is most result-producing. However, it must be understood that the astralnaut will eventually face hostile non-physical and semi-non-physical entities in these locations. Encounters with these beings carry REAL consequences with lasting effects. 

Do not fret, astralnaut. As your squadron leader, I will ensure you receive top-notch training in astral and, eventually, physical combat. Your formidability shall not be in question. 

More on this to follow. 

Repeat the steps detailed in the previously mentioned blog post

With your astral Vimana's elemental building blocks purified and empowered, direct your Vimana to hover 5 to 10 feet above your head. Now a brilliant beam of soft white light descends down upon you, enveloping you and conferring a sense of courage and confidence. 

Now begin one of our Tantras secret mantras. This mantra works only for our Tantra lineage. It will only be effective for people who have started the initiatory mantra to Lord Ganesh. There is also a certain subsection of individuals I have personally named in the presence of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, and Lord Hanuman, who are forever barred from entering this lineage. They will be greatly harmed by the use of these mantras. Some of these people are obvious, and others would have to have the exceptional displeasure of making their acquaintance. Either way, you would certainly know if you are one of them. 

Tread without fear, astralnaut. You are welcome with open arms! 

The mantra is "Om Vimanikaya Om."  

Ohm-Vi-Man-Ni-Ka-Ya Ohm 

This mantra creates a unique link between you are your personal Vimana and can be thought of as your "key" for its ignition. 

As you are bathed in the light projected down on you by your astral Vimana, speak the mantra "Om Vimanikaya Om" at least 36 times, but 108 is best. As you do this, feel yourself gently but continuously lifted up into your Vimana by the very top of your head, the most "yang" point of your body or Bai Hui point. Paradoxically at the same time, your should further relax your physical body. Hence, you feel a sinking feeling accompanying the lifting sensation. We called this, in high-level Daoist mysticism, "the separation of Fire and Water." When this internal alchemy occurs, the spirit and body can separate (although they are never truly separated while the soul is incarnated). When Fire and Water separate soul-travel, real-time projections, star-stepping, etc, can occur. 

Eventually (when I cannot say), your consciousness will loosen, and you will enter into your personal Vimana in a real-time out-of-body experience. When that moment happens, life as you know it will change forever. You are not to force this. Surrender to the forces of lifting and sinking without too much expectation. This is a process, an attainment worth the effort. Allowing this to happen in due time lets the correct connections be established. The second time you accomplish this feat, you will find it easier, the experience more profound, and so on. 

In the immediate future, you will begin to experience dreams about Vimanas and have a notable increase in lucid dreaming. You will experience involuntary astral projections and spontaneous out-of-body real-time projections. 

If you should find yourself on board your Vimana or in a real-time projection during this process, maintain your composure and do your best to continue with the mantra. 

There is something to be said about speaking mantras in non-ordinary reality. I was blessed to praise Lord Ganesha with "Om Gam Ganapataye Namo Namah" in his presence during a lucid dream turned astral projection. My world absolutely shifted towards great beneficially near immediately afterward. My world is still re-aligning...

After you have completed your selected number of mantras, let yourself come back into a waking state of ordinary consciousness and go do great things, astralnaut! 

Check back often for more assignments. 

-Kevin Wikse


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