A Human Avatar for Adhyantha Prabhu by Kevin Wikse

In my early 40s, I learned another aspect of my great work, that I am the human avatar for Adhyantha Prabhu (more on that later). This work started so many years ago, over 30 years now, with my initiations into the Ceremonial Magic of Western Occultism. In so much that restoration has occurred for me in accordance with decades of minor realizations and intuitive speculation. There is an unquestionable direct link, not merely a coincidental one, between Western Ceremonial Magic and the Occultism of India. 

In his masterworks (books which should be required reading and years-long study BEFORE one can call themselves an occultist, they are not, and trust me, it shows) “The Great Book of Magical Art, Hindoo Magic, and East Indian Occultism” and the “Mystical Work Book of the Hindoo Occult Chambers,” LW De Laurance lays these links bare. 

My lineage of Ceremonial Magic has deep roots in the Hindoo Tantra accounted for in his books (a white magic tantra largely devoid of religious devotions and focused on psychic powers development or siddhis). For over two decades, I have developed my world-renowned remote viewing skills and remote influencing through practicing Trataka: tattva, mirror, candle, and crystal (crystal ball) gazing. 

I was content. 

Then came 2021. The Hindoo Commission of Spirits (a collective of spirits of the human dead representing Hinoo culture and spirituality) stepped into my spiritual Temple with authority. In the two years which have followed, they opened the doorway to India and a highly secretive tantra, which I have been given license to manifest here in the United States (Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka), the building of the divine vehicle internally and potentially externally, as well as the domination of the astral world, dream world and dark liminal spaces between the living and the dead, and awareness of parallel dimensions (bringing down a Tantra is a complicated business).  

The Hindoo Commission has also confirmed the Pole Shift global disaster coming in 2030, the many environmentally based crises beginning in 2027, and the current social, political, and economic upheavals significantly worsening in 2024. I have been stating all this for a decade now. I am one of the influential forces behind making Pole Shift more mainstream. A fact that is well-documented in my YouTube videos and Blogposts. 

Pole Shift is a natural cycle. It occurs when the sun’s weakening magnetic field loses its gravitational grip on the Earth, and the planet’s north and south magnetic poles shift to new locations. The lie of Global Warming, or now Climate Change (Global Warming was debunked as a hoax, a painfully obvious one at that), perpetrated by the psychopathic elite to lull idiots into enjoying hefty taxations for simply living, so the name, not the program, needed to be altered to Climate Change, by the same psychopathic elites to continue tricking the same fucking idiots). 

Do yourself a huge favor and read the book “The Story of Adam and Eve: The History of Cataclysms” by Chan Thomas, a book written and then classified by the CIA in 1966 and recently declassified in 2013.

The Hindoo Commission confirmed the COVID-19 bio-weapon was a justification to force a weaponized vaccine on as many people as possible, using media-propagated fear, regulatory policies (not law), and social ostracization (peer pressure) to soft-kill the old and compromised, sterilize and cause mass miscarriages (the profoundly depopulate the globe and make sure the reproductive ability of humanity requires the intervention of a scientific dictatorship and medical tyranny). The people who survive the Pole Shift (the very few) will have had their DNA altered and no longer be human, therefore no longer protected by “human rights.”

The Hindoo Commission urged me and the Temple not to get vaccinated under any circumstances. To reward our devotion to the true spirit of humanity, our ancestors sacrificed for (looking at the majority of the population, I wonder if those ancestor spirits regret their decision), they conferred upon me and my spiritual Temple their blessings. The goal is to develop and maintain a life-changing and world-healing tantra that can help preserve humanity and eventually overthrow the forces of darkness, which are in the final stages of a long-term plan to envelop the Earth (Kali Uga) fully. 

This tantra is a complete realization of my great work, which began as occultic resistance to the arcanum of the Illuminati but has grown in response to the bigger threat and in advancing the tantra and my great work, the time had come to reveal that I am the human avatar (potentially divine vehicle for) of the deity known as Adhyantha Prabhu. Adhyantha Prabhu is the combination of Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman. A human avatar is not “the” avatar of a deity but a specifically chosen vessel to hold the spiritual energies of the deity, anchoring its influences on the material plane. 

Unvaccinated humans live on an Earth that will soon go through both a natural and unnatural( chemical, nanotechnology-based particulate, and bio-engineered terraforming “slime”) planet-wide re-terraforming. Our once fellow humans will no longer be genetically human. They will likely serve as brainless meat suits, remote-controlled bio-android slaves through the nanotechnology embedded in their bodies overriding their nervous systems and being directed by the commands carried on 5G, issued by AI or interdimensional entities. 

We will be aliens on our birth planet. My Temple’s Tantra, the Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka, will prepare humans to become skillful pilots of their personal Vimana and thriving interplanetary visitors, paradoxically dwelling on their own planet. How strange it is to have been made an alien on your own planet by extraterrestrial influences. Nothing short of diabolical. The great re-set indeed. However, not all is lost, for in this moment, despair ends, and tactics begin. For those brave enough, my great work now extends itself to become your great work. Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka is building its first Astral Force base in Idaho. 

-Kevin Wikse


  1. Hi Kevin,

    Some great and very exciting stuff on this blog.

    When I came across the works of De Laurence – including the two books mentioned above and additionally “the book of secret Hindu, ceremonial and talismanic magic” - I was keen to add to my extensive knowledge and practical experience on the subject from what seemed to be, from the titles at least, such a comprehensive set of works on Hindu esotericism.

    I soon discovered however that this was not the case.

    For example, across all three volumes, there is not a single mention of either Shiva or Shakti. Or any Hindu deities at all for that matter. Not a word of Sanskrit. Nor any of the staple Tantric concepts mentioned in this blog; mudras, mantras etc.

    All of which are utterly inseparable from Hindu esotericism.

    But instead, Kabbalistic metaphysics and concepts masquerading under the label of “Hindu magic”.

    Unfortunately, the books are not what they profess to be.

    It is extremely unlikely that this was an accident from one who spent the time in India that he did – he would have been privy to the reality.

    But for some reason De Laurence wanted those of his time to believe that Kaballah and Hindu esotericism were synonymous.

    Which given the works of successive freemasonic kabbalists who came after him like the hermetic order of the golden dawn and the theosophists who also extensively misrepresented Hindu esotericism, is perhaps unsurprising.

    There is a level of correspondence between Kabbalah and Hindu occultism, as there has to be between all legitimate branches of occultism, for example the Sephiroth and Qliphoth with the upper and lower chakras.

    But the overwhelming link between the two in this case is the author.

    The root of these misrepresentations is, I believe, to continue to perpetuate a dvaita or dualistic paradigm, including a false cosmological polarity of good/evil.

    As opposed to the overtly non-dual paradigm offered by the Vedas and Hindu esotericism, with one Truth (unity) and ignorance of it (dualism) being the true universal polarity, and that of good/evil itself a paradigm rooted in ignorance (dualism).

    Not to say that evil does not exist, but rather as per dharma is an epitomal facet of ignorance instead of an inherent cosmological force, which is an important difference.

    Kaballah itself, despite modern interpretive being rooted in the latter, corresponds to this reality in the Hebrew names for the Sephiroth and Qliphoth, the former being conceptually unitary and the latter conceptually dualistic.

    With the Qliphoth and lower tala chakras corresponding to parts of the body that there are two of, from the hips to the soles of the feet, in keeping with an illusory dualism.

    All is Brahman.

    Unfortunately, not all that is Brahman either accepts or understands that all is Brahman.

    Jai Ganapati
    Jai Mahavir

  2. Hello.

    I agree with you. In truth, I don't believe De Laurence wrote most of the books that bore his name. Instead, he likely stole the manuscripts and published them after changing them. I have always been at odds somewhat with the Hindoo Occult Chambers as it is exceedingly secular and more an occult science manual leaning toward psychicm without spirituality.

    In my Ceremonial Magic tradition, it is accepted that crystal gazing and other trataka-based practices come from a psychic/spiritual brotherhood with both living and formerly incarnated members who maintain an astral chapter of the brotherhood after death and that De Laurance acts as a spiritual guide for those who support his (?) works. How much truth there is to this? I cannot confirm or deny the material existence of such a brotherhood other than that of the Esoteric Lodge I inherited. I am also confident there is a presence of astral mentors who help refine the art in the manuscript, regardless of its original author.

    I go on this, and because of my miraculous experiences, I pay homage to it and proceed onward.

    As for the spheroith and Chakras, I agree and maintain that they are two different systems so I treat them as such. They are like cousins more than brothers, close cousins but still cousins. My teacher is evident that this Tantra, what I am practicing and developing, is outside the bounds of accepted Hinduism. I respect and get that. I certainly am not wanting to speak as an authority outside of this particular fringe practice.

    My goal is to help manifest this knowledge and energy current. Undeniably, a powerful force is working through my teacher and myself with a righteous purpose. Perhaps I will, in my next life, incarnate in India. I agree with "All is Brahman," even if I cannot fully accept or understand what that means.


    1. “In truth, I don't believe De Laurence wrote most of the books that bore his name. Instead, he likely stole the manuscripts and published them after changing them.”

      Could well be the case, apparently he did something similar with “The pictorial key to the Tarot” by Arthur Waite.

      “My goal is to help manifest this knowledge and energy current. Undeniably, a powerful force is working through my teacher and myself with a righteous purpose.”

      I look forward to seeing it come to fruition.

      “I agree with "All is Brahman," even if I cannot fully accept or understand what that means.”

      I am not sure whether you are talking about fully accepting or understanding that all is Brahman, what Brahman is, or both.

      If the latter:

      There is a Vedic Upanishad that says; “Neti Neti” – “Not this, not that” – which is a key element of self-inquiry in jnana yoga.

      Not to denote Brahman as a negative concept or a void, but ultimately that Brahman cannot be described because description implies a distinction.

      But Brahman cannot be distinguished from anything other than itself.

      Similarly I think to the point Lao Tzu was making when he said; “The Dao that can be told is not the eternal Dao”.

      Which is not to say, as some such as for example the pseudo-Hermetic Kybalion would state, that God is “unknowable”.

      But that the ultimate reality is experienced, but cannot be described.

      If the former or both:

      Brahman became all.

      Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru – “Creator and creation are one. This is our true identity. The experience of this wisdom is beyond words and brings indescribable bliss”.

      Considering the dharmic polarity again; it is far more difficult to try and reconcile the idea of The Godhead becoming all evil than it is that The Godhead became relative ignorance as well as the Truth.

    2. “they are two different systems so I treat them as such. They are like cousins more than brothers, close cousins but still cousins.”

      I agree that there are differences between them, but I believe that the key difference is reconcilable.

      That being the instances where there are multiple sephiroth/qliphoth at levels where we would comparatively expect to find a single chakra.

      Much of the correspondence otherwise is overwhelming:

      For example, Keter and the Sahasrara; both in location and conceptually their absolute unity.

      Similarly to Malkuth and the Muladhara; locally the same and both conceptually to the material world. With the additionally…correspondent correspondences…of The Shekinah and The Kundalini Shakti.

      The same is the case for the first and last of the qliphoth and the tala chakras.
      The first of which is the Atala chakra at the hips. Which according to the Bhagavata purana is the realm of lustful female demonesses.

      This matches with Lilith, apart from that “Lilith” is singular.

      But in the dead sea scrolls for example, there is the pluralised Liliyyot (night monsters), which brings this in line both with the Atala chakra and all of the other conceptually dualistic qliphoth.

      Which is reflected in epitome in both Thaumiel and the Patala chakra.

      In considering this according to the microcosm and taking Keter and Malkuth as the top and bottom of the spine; both the remaining centrally positioned sephiroth and the dual considered together hold correspondence with the respective chakras they would line up with in the same order.

      Yesod as the creative and sexual centre and Tiphareth that of love and beauty; both overwhelming locally and conceptually with the Swadhisthana and Anahata chakras.

      In the case of the dual for example, both Netzach and Hod have correspondence with, and could perhaps be reasonably described conceptually as aspects of, the Manipura chakra.

      This is also present in applying the same thing to the qliphoth; taking Lilith as the hips and Thaumiel as the soles of the feet to complete the same overall head to toe correspondence to the microcosm and considering the multiples in between in the same manner.

      For example, the dominant feature of the Mahatala chakra in the feet above the Patala in the soles is an inner blindness, where Ghogiel and Sathariel as the hindering and concealing forces of the qliphoth would line up.

      Considering the dual otherwise would seem to do so at the expense of acknowledging the respective chakras that they would else line up with, in the microcosmic Kabbalistic picture at all, despite the clear correspondences the rest have with the centralised.

      For example, I feel the energy of the Manipura blasting out of its kshetram in the centre of the solar plexus.

      With Yesod/Swadhisthana and Tiphareth/Anahata in consideration, if Netzach and Hod correspond to different energy centres to the left and right then this would seem to be at the expense of acknowledging the Manipura at all despite the correspondence both have with it.

      Which provokes difficult questions, such as which other centres outside of the spine reasonably correspond with these energies at the expense of another in the spine that does.

      Amalgamating the multiples to a single chakra doesn’t seem to leave any serious question marks.

      An interesting subject anyway.

  3. There is a lot to unpack, but while I have a moment to respond, I would suggest it is a matter of bodily proportions and physiological ratios of form and function in relation to proximity and is the formulation of Kabbalic Triangles. A primarily equilibrating Sephoriot (those of the Pillar of Mildness or spinal occupation) mediating between two seemingly oppositional Sephoriot (located, fittingly so, on the body extremities).

    Primary Kabbalitic Triangles (but not limited too)

    Severity Mercy

    Benah Chokmah

    Geburah- Tipareth- Chessed

    Hod Netzach

    To me, it does appear that triplicity instead of dualism in the Kabbalic structure might be a way of dissecting a singular chakra into multiple components.

    Kether is the "God-Mind," which is limited or advanced by the perception of time (Binah) and space (Chokmah, thus, their placement as left and right eyes and hemispherical brain halves is paradoxical control the other half of the body.

    Tiperath, the harmony our heart seeks and what we must be made worthy of, two discernments of creation or destruction: mercy or war. We carry the spear (Geburah) over our shoulder or the cross (Chessed) we shoulder or bare.

    The source of our creative passions, the sexual unifier (Yesod), be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually, is the means to procreate (co-create) by use of our hands through art, either led by muse (Netzach) or craft by science (Hod).

    This a quick reply to be sure, and more to follow, but I am following (at least presently) your line of thinking.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There is an interesting article here that bridges your “bodily proportions and physiological ratios of form and function in relation to proximity” with my interpretation, although not using those primary triangles:


      Also touches on the Shekinah / Shakti correspondence.

      Something compelling I did not know that supports this interpretation; the solar plexus is apparently physiologically the muscular origin of the legs, as the psoas muscle runs from here at the front of the spine to the inner thighs.

      Whilst it doesn’t offer the same for the Ajna with Chokmah & Binah, simply asserting this is the case; I think that the form / function / proximity is obviously the left and right eyes as you have said.

      For example, the pineal gland produces melatonin in response to signals received from the optic nerve according to the level of light.


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