Astralnaut basic requirements and reasons for recruitment by Kevin Wikse. Direct Order 1.

kevin wikse

One-half of Vimana Shastra Tantras Sookshm Ka's crown jewel is the construction and continual development of the astral vimana, or "divine vehicle." I have been a ceremonial magician with the Western Mysteries Tradition for over 30 years (has it been that long? I remember my first videos and posts it was over 20 years); I am no stranger too, and in truth, far along in my construction and refinement of the Merkaba, or Mer (Light) Ka (Spirit) Ba (body)—the parallel divine vehicle to the Vimana of Hebraic Occultism, built and empowered for traveling between realities, dimensions and planetary realms (Qaballa spherioth) with the ultimate aim of looking upon the face of God, surrounded by his seven genii, while he sits atop his throne.

I am among the few, very few, modern-day occultists who have demonstrated and documented his knowledge concerning the Merkaba, its processes, and operations, as contained with the mysteries of the Tarot-Key, the Chariot Card, particularly that of the Rider-Waite. There is no shortage of pseudo-intellectuals, phonies, pretenders, and just plain deranged so-called occultists on the internet. YouTube and Reddit are the highest concentration of pure stupidity, but Tumblr is fastly closing the idiot gap.

 It is because of this I am quick to slap my name on certain reveals, as it is essential to protect the narrative from the nearly irreparable damage often inflicted upon vital mysteries of the occult by the swath of profane dabblers looking to steal from a true dragon's treasure horde to gain a modicum of credibility or notoriety above their extremely average, mediocre (at the high point) occultic careers. 

The mysteries of the Chariot card, the Merkaba, and the Vimana are not "subjective" nor open to baseless, uneducated, and unpracticed speculations and interpretations. These mysteries comprise an occult, metaphysical science that produces a repeatable effect and product if, and only if, the "astralnuat" (the term I coined), or vimana pilot, follows correct procedure and protocol in its architecturing. As such, because of this practice's instrumental importance in the future of humanity, I will not tolerate even the slightest plagiarism or misappropriation of this material. It is one-of-a-kind; it is wholly unique, very obvious who it is being presented by, and, up to this point, never before publically released.

That is my one-time fair warning to the internet troglodytes and, paradoxically, my guarantee to the earnest seekers. I am willing to defend this material and literally (not figuratively) ruin enemies and or thieves of it. It should be noted that I and I alone predicted and documented my warnings of the COVID-19 bio-weapon release and the subsequent attempt at mandating a weaponized soft-kill vaccine weapon starting back in 2015 because, first, I am one of the world's best remote viewers and influencers. Second, I am that because my understanding of astral evocation is master level. 

My relationship with the astral demon GULAND of the Grimorium Verum (he who causeth and cureth all diseases) is such that I can conjure him to reveal the planned global pandemics to depopulate the Earth and fundamentally change the DNA of humans by injection of M/RNA gene therapies (force a criminal genesis, another phrase I coined); also V.A.I.D.S (vaccine acquired immunological disease/syndrome) and like COVID-19 back in 2015, (wait till the Ebola-like Marburg Virus is rolled out the end of 2023 to mid-2024) imagine how effectively I can compel GULAND cause all sorts of exceptionally aggressive and malignant maladies inside the bodies and minds of my enemies. 

Such arcane assaults I had previously reserved only for high-level members of the Illuminati, corrupt and treacherous politicians, and pedophilic millionaires and billionaires (three weeks after I publically, on YouTube, evoked Duke Agares to ruin Jeffery Epstein, he was found dead )no he did not kill himself), the video is on my channel. However, a low-level moron occasionally attempts to attack me and hinder my work to eradicate pedophilia and liberate humanity. I have decided they are essentially in league with the forces of darkness which plague this world, so I command GULAND to crawl around in their guts for months at a time, causing them to profusely bleed out their rectums, eventually requiring hospitalization, and it a few cases, a casket. 

I don't play, and honestly, neither should you. Dedicating yourself to preserving the future of humanity, to #saveourchildren, and life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness means you become a target of violence for the agents of spiritual cancer and their debased vaxxxed zombie army of pro-pedo communistic neo-Hitlarian brown-shirts. When they attack, they do it in the name of draconian enslavement and harvesting of your children. They deserve neither quarter nor mercy. They are the reason humanity is sinking in a fetid mire of atrocity. 

As an astralnaut or vimana pilot, you are expected to regularly train and practice both for spiritual and physical warfare. Tantra practice (energy (mental, astral, and spiritual) work), Qigong, and physical exercise regimens will become a prominent feature of your life. You are tasked with being (striving to be) righteous and courageous with yourself and with all others. You are to defend and maintain the integrity of your astral "air space" at all times. The health, happiness, peace, and prosperity of you, your loved ones, and your country should be at the forefront of all you do. Your main concern is God, Primus, the Supreme Creator, and how it sees you. 

If you can abide by the above and are ready to help anchor a truly powerful tantra to the physical world in this time of upcoming Pole Shift and global upheaval, helping serve as a launch pad for the evolution of humanity, then Vimana Shasta Tantra Sookshm Ka could hold immense value for you. To forge your astral chariot and unlock your energetic and spiritual potentialities for the good of humanity, including your own joy and happiness, are time and effort exceptionally well spent. 

The old world is in its final quiet stage before its birthing pains become horrifically loud and tumultuous. The polar ice caps are already in the process of melting and reforming in their new locations. Climates are changing; gulf streams are redirecting. You will hear it in the sky like metal trumpets as the magnetic fields of celestial bodies scrap against each other. It is a natural cycle of a vast global cataclysm that cannot be prevented or adverted, only prepared for.  

The upcoming Pole Shift will reshape the planet and forever alter our individual and collective worldview. The tidal floods, earthquakes, and societal collapse will be on a scale, unlike anything we have ever seen. You can soar up out of the ashes of the new world like a prismatic phoenix, a whirling vortex of crackling energy ready to make Earth great again, or you can be buried under the rubble of the old world, crushed by the lies of building back better. 

The choice is yours. 

-Kevin Wikse


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