Metal Element Purification by Kevin Wikse.

Kevin Wikse

The Metal element is 1/5th of the Daoist system of the Pancha Tattwa Shuddi or 5 elemental purifications. 

Metal Element energy is the organic wiring for the bio-electric circuitry for the flesh-droid known as the human being. The most significant accumulation of Metal Element energy in the human physical body is found first in the brain, then the spine, and lasting tapering along into the mass ganglia of the nervous centers, or the "three brains" (the brain for mental intelligence, the heart for emotional intelligence and the Hara, or lower dan tien for body intelligence). 

Increasing Metal Element energy sharpens the intellect, clarifies thinking, and sharpens focus. However, excessive Metal elemental energy can cause mental rigidity and fixation. While this is rare, especially today when most people significantly lack Metal energy, it remains a consideration.

Frequent and regular activation of an individual's Metal element stimulates the bio-electrical response, illuminating the psychic nodes (meridians, nadis, chakras, etc.) of the subtle body and eliciting tremendous healing and toning of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. This will strengthen and enlarge one's energetic atmosphere or auric field, empowering all internal functions and processes. 

The metal element also relates to the respiratory/pulmonary systems maintaining a "handshake," with the Fire element governing the heart/cardio. An increase in lung capacity and uptake of oxygen will result. The more oxygen available, the better one's brain function and more awareness of the subtle or etheric energy bodies occur. It's a highly beneficial cycle. 

The Metal element is strongest during the Fall/Autumn season. There is a seasonal practice that incorporates this energy. But, the following Metal energy activation exercise, or Qigong, can and should be done daily and performed first as it acts as an "on-switch" for other psychic currents within your body. This will be of immense value to the aspiring astralnaut or vimana pilot. 

Charging the Field

Standing with the palms of your hands facing just below your navel, about three inches away from your body, and with the tips of your middle fingers an inch apart. Imagine in the middle of each of the palms of your hands a ball of pure white light the size of a ping-pong ball. As you inhale, keep your palms facing your body, raising them in front of your body, up your face, over and behind your head, and facing your occiput (the bump on the back of your skull where the spine connects). 

Now on the exhale, retrace your path, palms facing your body, up behind and over your skull, and down the front of your body to just below your navel. This is "one." Do this for 21 repetitions every day. 

Do this energetic exercise with your eyes closed. As the palms of your hands pass over your eyes, you will likely see energy spirals or a "static charge." 

You will experience energetic activation sensations, a more robust and brighter auric field continually cleared of etheric parasites, psychic sludge, and astral filth. Your thinking will improve, and your concentration/focus will firm up significantly. Over time you will experience deeper psychic impressions, and people will be magnetically attracted to you. Steady increases in health and vitality. All other energy work will be smoother, and their effects more impactful. 

Report back often for your next assignment. 

-Kevin Wikse


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