The First Steps to Building your Vimana by Kevin Wikse. Direct Order 3.

kevin wikse

My name is Kevin Wikse. I am the sole inheritor of this Vimana tantra, otherwise known as Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka. I am among the world's most accurate Remote Viewers and Influencers. My accuracy with COVID-19, beginning in 2015, is well-documented and unquestionable. No one else can say the same, period. I share this Tantra because I saw the upcoming Pole Shift in 2011 and the future events of July 2030. Addressing what I saw, I will say, "Full spectrum dominance can only be answered by full spectrum resistance." 

According to the tenets of Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka, the Vimana, or "well-reasoned and measured vehicle," is parallel to the Merkaba, or Mer-Ka-Ba (body-light-spirit) of Hebraic mysticism, a construct of psychic technology allowing the conscious transfer of one's consciousness to another reality or into the being's existing body of that particular location (vibration) in which it resides. An example is an astral projection or awareness of the projection of one's consciousness into the astral body, which then travels to the elemental realm of water, depositing the consciousness into the body (vehicle) of the individual, which holds its own space upon the elemental kingdom. 

The development of one's Vimana is, for all intent and purpose, an attempt at a more fully, both actualized and activated astral body that carries the consciousness of the individual to any realm, maintained and preserved within a powerful energetic containment field, allowing for far longer duration and more detailed immersions into non-physical locations, but locations which events that are happening, already happened or will happen, can be viewed. In addition, the consciousness of the Vimana pilot, or astralnaut (a term I coined), will retain better memory of the experience, and thus the soljorn can yield relevant, useable results. 

There is a distinct but remote possibility that an exceptionally well-built personal (astral) Vimana will attract the attention of a previously owned material Vimana (looking for a new pilot), or one might be built to suit the worthy pilot. The heroes of the Mahabharata and Ramayana similarly obtained their Vimanas. There is no guarantee a blessing of that magnitude would be bestowed upon you, but this Tantra does offer treasures to those who toil and labor and such a boon might be in your destiny. You can only win if you play. 

The astral Vimana is the mystery held with the Tarot-Key, the Chariot (primarily), and the Wheel of Fortune (additionally and as an add-on). These mysteries are highly guarded occult secrets and, let's be honest, not known even to the vast majority of so-called occultists, but I assure you some of us very not only privy to those secrets but demonstrably proficient in them. How would you like to be able to say the same about yourself? 

To open up your practice session, you must address Lord Ganesha. He will open the way for success and bless your efforts. Understand this; Grace is bestowed only through the merits of good works and sustained efforts. Suppose you are a lazy piece of shit and unwilling to practice and work, stay a pseudo-Christian, and keep to Reddit. In that case, you will bend in perfectly in the vast ocean of passable mediocrity and extremely average C- individuals. If you know you are capable of more, then begin with Lord Ganesha. 

kevin wikse

Vimana building LEVEL 1 

Sit and focus your mind on a visual of Lord Ganesha. While sustaining this focused visualization (if you cannot visualize, pretend you can) of Lord Ganesha, repeat the following mantra 108 times:

Om Gam Ganapataye Vighnahara Namaha

(Om Gum Gana-pa-ti-ay Vig-Na-Hara Na-ma-ha)

"Divine Ganesha chief of the ganas (followers of Shiva) and remover of obstacles, I bow to you." 

*Use my Vimana space monkey artwork as a reference. 

Now imagine an upward-pointing pyramid around you. Your head should be in the apex (tip) and the base under your butt. 

Next, imagine a downward-point pyramid around you. The base should be level with the middle of your throat. 

When you breathe IN see and feel the downward-pointing pyramid rotate to your left (counter-clockwise).

When you breathe OUT see and feel the upward-pointing pyramid rotate to your right (clockwise).

Your breathing is kept soft, unhurried, easy, and natural. 

Perform this for 15 minutes until your breathing, sense of the pyramids, and their rotations feel firmly synced. 

Report back often for your next assignment. 

-Kevin Wikse


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