Anjaneya Operative LEVEL 1 Physical Requirements by Kevin Wikse.

 Anjaneya Operative Kevin Wikse

Astralnaut, now is the time we begin the next phase of your training. In keeping with the divine image of Adhyantha Prabhu, the extraordinary deific combination of Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman, we have lain a foundation for your astral body, Lord Ganesha being the primary source of the metaphysical; it is Hanuman (also known as Anjaneya) who embodies spiritual energy into material flesh, so now you will follow his example. 

Hanuman is a paragon of moral, spiritual, physical strength, agility, and righteousness. His devotion to Lord Rama is ceaseless and absolutely unwavering. He is a physical avatar of Lord Shiva who is committed to Lord Rama's consciousness and is an avatar of Vishnu, the preserver of the earth. Hanuman stands among the earth's chief guardians. Paired with Lord Ganesh (who is possibly an avatar of Vishnu), the son of Lord Shiva that clears the path for Shiva consciousness, as Adhyathna Prabhu, the relationship between these two blessed deities becomes even more profound and divine. 

As an Astralnaut, one of your many goals is to make yourself in the image of Hanuman's spiritual and physical prowess and, by proxy, embody Lord Rama's perfection. A tall order indeed, and one we continually strive for while realizing that it's in the "doing" that is what actually matters. To error is human, but to make corrections is divine. 

That said, and there will be much more said later, let us establish LEVEL I physical requirements for the Astralnaut and get you training. 

I want to preface this. I am, at the date of this posting, 45 years old. I trained to be a circus strongman, a ferocious Judoka, a Jujitusu fighter, and Catch Wrestler. I have swung maces and clubs weighing over 100 lbs for hundreds of repetitions. I could do 40 to 50 strict diamond push-ups and 300 to 500 body-weight squats. I practiced Baguazhang and Hung Gar Kung Fu for an hour each almost daily. In 2013 I took a job as a domestic operative for a private organization where I happily physically destroyed and mangled foreign military agents paid by anti-American offshore financiers to recruit and train a sleeper army of domestic terrorists made up of disenfranchised youth. I have written and posted about this online since 2016 and was active until 2021. I don't give a fuck about keeping quiet about this anymore. 

I was severely injured many, and numerous times. My stress levels triggered a severe onset of Lupus and other significant adverse effects. I am not what I was in my early 30s. However, I am still well beyond the capabilities of the majority of the population to handle. I had to be very honest with myself when I could resume circa-2012 pre-operative training about where I was and where I am. It was humiliating and humbling but necessary. Now over 6 months into restorative exercise and training, I am Baguazhang circle walking for 60 minutes, popping off bodyweight squats and push-ups, and manhandling my 45lb clubs. 

I say this because if I can do this, you can do it too. You, like me, just need a place to start. Like Hanuman remembering he is Lord Shiva and unlocking his potential to leap across the ocean to comfort Sita (you should attain the grace of listening to or reading the Ramayana), I remembered the strength of Thor that ran through me. You will recognize a past life of great strength and martial prowess and unlock in you the same power. 

No excuses, only accomplishments. 


100 good-form push-ups. 

100 good-form bodyweight squats. 

By good form, I mean no "girl" push-ups and butt parallel-to-ground bodyweight squats. 

By all means, perform the Monkey Squat.

You should train at least 4 or 5 times a week. 

Do what you can. If all you can do is 1 of each, then do that. 1 leads to 2, and 2  to 3, and so on and so forth. 

I recommend listening to the Hanuman Chalisa while you train. You will be astonished by what Hanuman's grace and presence can inspire in you.  

Get to it, Astralnaut!

Check back often for more assignments! 

-Kevin Wikse


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