Seasonal FIRE ELEMENT cleansing Trataka and Pancha Tattwa Shuddi begin immediately by Kevin Wikse.

Astralnaut Kevin Wikse

Astralnaut now is the time of the year to cleanse your fire element or personal Agni through Pancha Tattwa Shuddi, the purification of the five elements. Early this year, I posted necessary information about Agni or Fire Energy. Familiarize yourself with it here. This posting is a progression of the previous and will take you deeper into the practice of this Tantra lineage. 

You will still recite the mantra "Om Ram Agnaye Namaha," however, you will do so in a ten-minute internal while practicing Trataka or "Fixed Eye Gazing," using the Fire Tattva. Trataka is one of the main jewels of truly efficacious occultism and psychic development and comprises a large portion of our "Flight Goggles" training. 

Sitting two or three feet away from the Tattwa, hung at eye level (while seated) on the wall, you affix your gaze to the center of the red triangle and recite the mantra repeatedly for 10 minutes.

Fire Tattwa Kevin Wikse
The Fire Tattwa. Print it out and tape it to your wall. 


Sit conventionally, straight back, relaxed, and natural. Tuck your chin down slightly to open the vertebra in the back of the neck. Both your hands should assume the Fire Mudra (ring finger touching thumbs) and rest them both palm up in your lap. Gaze at the center of the Red Triangle and begin reciting the mantra in an easy-going tone and unrushed speed. 

Fire Mudra Kevin Wikse
Fire Mudra. Yes, that is my hand. Yes, my grip strength is insane.
"That's not the Shocker. It's the Fryer." - Kevin Wikse.

More on the power of mudras soon. There is...a lot. 

You are not to strain your eyes. 

You are to resist the urge to blink. 

Blinking is linked to your parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). Your PSNS governs all your natural autonomic systems, such as breathing, heart beating, blinking eyes, glandular secretions, etc. When one of these operations is disturbed (prevented), your PSNS becomes heightened if for no other reason than to correct the impediment. 

The subtle or astral energy body is intimately linked to your PSNS. When there is an impediment within the functions of the PSNS, the flow of your body's subtle energy slows and "pools" in that area. In this case, the eyes. As you resist the urge to blink, subtle energy pools in your eyes. Because you are practicing Trataka, the subtle energy (as well as the liquid crystal that is cerebral spinal fluid, I've written a lengthy chapter on this in a book. The only book in English which details high-level Trataka) is charged with the image of strong, clean and healthy Agni or Fire Energy.

The longer you can resist blinking, the more concentrated the Fire Energy becomes. When you blink, the subtle energy flows quickly, dispersing the energy through your immense layers of etheric and energetic bodies. The more potent the infusion of Fire Energy and subtle energy becomes, the more immediate its effects will be had by you. As the Fire Energy collects due to your eye's proximity to your Pineal and Pituitary glands, they gain a strong charge of positive Agni, increasing their productivity and functioning. 

Trataka and its benefits are tremendous in both scope and scale, well beyond the capacity of this posting to entail. More will be discussed in the future as it is a central practice within this Tantra and irrevocably linked to Pancha Tattwa Shuddi, which is at the heart of that central practice. 

Your eyes will become clearer, brighter, and stronger. Your stare will be more commanding, potentially intimidating, and paradoxically more magnetic and attractive at the same time. You will develop psychically, eventually seeing auras and experiencing clairvoyance. Internally your Agni or Fire Element will become strong and smooth. 

There are variations where we use the "after image" also, but these will come latter. 

Upon completing the 10-minute Trataka and mantra, rub the palms of your hands together briskly for a 21 count. Your hands should be hot. Close your eyes and cup your hands over your eyes. Allow your eyes to rest in the darkness and warmth of polarically charged bio-electrical energy emanating from the palms of your hands (the central point of each palm being a major psychic center) for no less than a minute; however, 2 or 3 minutes is better. 

This practice should be done daily. Anytime is fine, but mornings or nights are best. There is a seasonal aspect to our Pancha Tattwa Shuddi. In Autumn, we will water to the Water Element. 

Check back often for your next assignment!

-Kevin Wikse 


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